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Rumbley the Tumbley Boxer


So now I’m here. A ‘tripawd’. Just like the rest of you. Still me. But with three legs instead of four. What the heck happened?!

I went to the vet, fell asleep and woke up feeling really, really weird. So I bit the lady who was trying to help me. Bad idea. The vet called my mom and asked her if I was a biter. Mom said, “No! Never!” But I did it. The vet said it could be a bad reaction to the pain medication. So they kept me another day and night in order to get my head right before sending me home.

So now I have a big “B” sticker on my chart. Biter. Me. The dog Mom calls Big Puppy. The dog that lets the neighbor’s two year old bonk him over the head with a nerf golf club while chanting “Rumbo! Rumbo! Rumbo!” The dog that got out of the yard once and went to the bus stop to visit all the people waiting. (Dad found me before I could get on the bus).

Here’s me showing my biter teeth. “Ha! You don’t fool me!” says Mom. “Missing one leg and a bunch of teeth…ooh, so scary!”


9 Comments so far

  1.   Jackie on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    Poor Rumbles. I’m sure you were just not feeling like your usual self. Boy, a B on your chart! Branded!

    Hope you feel better soon,
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  2.   fightingforsammy on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    Sammy got really aggressive with all other dogs for the first 6 months after his amputation. He still doesn’t like dogs smelling his “shoulder” where the amp happened. He was used to hanging out with any dog, no issues, he did agility for years.
    I think they have to adapt, just like us. Maybe it was me who was feeling concerned and somehow “sent’ that to him. I don’t know, but 10 1/2 months later he is back! just hang in there, he will be back..
    Elizabeth and Sammy

  3.   etgayle on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    geesh, you don’t look like a biter to us…blame it on the ‘dope’. you look like a lover!!!

    charon & gayle

  4.   maximutt on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    I agree: a lover, not a biter!!

  5.   b00geepaws on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    When I had boogee in for an x-ray the vet A younger gal informed me that when she handled him by the back of the neck he tried to “NIP” her and she was so persistent that he was anti social…. Now let me tell some things.. My Gsd’ dogs are exceptional companion dog bloodlines they are whelped at the foot of my bed if at all possible,,, socialized from birth and never EVER picked up by the scruff of the neck.. You put your hand down and even young pups walk up to you to be picked up.. After his surgery a couple weeks later she reminded me of that incident. When We went in to have his stitches removed I had the clinic give him his second series of puppy shots. There was no consideration for my boogies feelings. It hurt me to see how she administered the shot. I just about BIT her.. The Moral being Some vets forget thier job and who is the patient.. In all fairness the clinic is very knowledgeable . Her hubby is very capable and concerned,..So are thier senior partners.. Maybe Your pup just has a gift of assessing the situation faster than your vet thinks.. Try treating folks in a nusing home bad see how long you have a job …don’t be hard on the gog til you know all the details..

  6.   riosmom on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    The Moose has a red flag in her vet chart too, saying she bites. Okay, in her case, maybe she earned it. When she gets nervous, she gets very bitey. But it’s cuz they are scary at the vet, and us pups don’t have vocabulary to say “Back off, dude!!


  7.   Leslie on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    Rumbles! What happened to your teeth? Another story sometime maybe…

    Anyway, I’m with the others. You look like a huge cuddle bug. You look so much like my Roxy in that picture. Her teeth are barely there so you can’t tell if she has any either. Maybe she was afraid you would gum her to death???


  8.   chilidawg on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    Awww, poor Rumbles, I know you’re not a biter, and Finchy agrees (you two are cut from the same boxer cloth-lol!). You were probably just waking up in a weird place, coming off your meds, and missing a leg. It happens. You’re a lover, not a biter.

  9.   admin on July 21st, 2011          Reply

    Wow, popular post! Boogee even wrote about it.

    Don’t worry Rumbles, we know you’re a big sweetheart. We don’t blame you for the biting – aggression is a pretty common side effect for doped up dogs in pain.

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