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Rumbley the Tumbley Boxer

Archive forSeptember, 2011

Oh, no! It’s the suitcase!

Mom just went up to the attic. I followed her, even though she told me not to walk on the steep steps. I was hoping and hoping that she wasn’t going up there for the suitcase. But sure enough, she grabbed it, looked at me and said, “Sorry Buddy…another stupid business trip.” Oh, I hate […]

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The Boxer is Boxing (again)!

One of the things that I was most worried about before Rumbles surgery was how he would play with us and other dogs without one of his ‘boxing’ legs. His right front leg was always his lead jab…also used as his shaking hand and his ‘what’s up’ wave. The first time he tried to ‘box’ post-op, […]

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Dog Days and Slippy Socks: My August Report

August flew by in a flurry of hot days, mom’s business trips and family vacations. I stayed cool with fans, homemade pupsicles and resting on my squishy cushion on the back porch. Some people say these are the dogs days of summer. I don’t get that. Aren’t ALL days of the year dog days?! In the summertime, I love […]

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