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Rumbley the Tumbley Boxer

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Hammer Time

Ummmm. Mom…I don’t have nothin’. Just look away. Really. My flapper is covering it, right? Not that it’s anything. Don’t look! Awwww, Mom. Please let me chew it. Just a little bit more. Please?

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Snowy Day

That terrible, cold, wet stuff that sometimes falls from the sky is back. I don’t know where it comes from, or why. But I do know that I don’t like it.  So I ventured outside for short, necessary trips (including a walk with Dad to move branches out of the street). But the rest of the day, […]

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I’m Surrounded By Idiots

They think they’re cute, but they’re not. They think they’re smart, but they’re not. They think they’re fast, but they’re not. Okay…well…yes…maybe they are fast.

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Sunday in the Park With Mom

Oh, what a beautiful day! Mom took me to the park ALL BY MYSELF…to celebrate my “ampuversary”, she said. I got to run and run and run in the long grass by the river. And then I got to roll and roll and roll in the short, sweet green grass in the park.  

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Full House

We are having a great weekend at our house. Mom’s finally home from the longest business trip ever. Grandma flew in from Minnesota for my girl’s 18th birthday. On Friday night, the Volleyball team had a party and sleepover …which meant 10 girls for me to kiss and endless ear scratches! On Saturday, my girl’s […]

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Oh, no! It’s the suitcase!

Mom just went up to the attic. I followed her, even though she told me not to walk on the steep steps. I was hoping and hoping that she wasn’t going up there for the suitcase. But sure enough, she grabbed it, looked at me and said, “Sorry Buddy…another stupid business trip.” Oh, I hate […]

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The Boxer is Boxing (again)!

One of the things that I was most worried about before Rumbles surgery was how he would play with us and other dogs without one of his ‘boxing’ legs. His right front leg was always his lead jab…also used as his shaking hand and his ‘what’s up’ wave. The first time he tried to ‘box’ post-op, […]

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Dog Days and Slippy Socks: My August Report

August flew by in a flurry of hot days, mom’s business trips and family vacations. I stayed cool with fans, homemade pupsicles and resting on my squishy cushion on the back porch. Some people say these are the dogs days of summer. I don’t get that. Aren’t ALL days of the year dog days?! In the summertime, I love […]

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Go, Stop, Rest, Go Again

Based on everyone’s advice, I waited awhile before returning to the Dog Park. I’m happy to tell you that it was a success! Rumbles was such a good boy! He was super excited when we pulled into the park and we ran from the car to the dog area, which is way on the opposite side of the park […]

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there’s always something to do

That’s what Mom says anyway. The other day she took me along to run errands with her. We went to Petsmart, which was really exciting. I snuffled all of the corners and met a bunch of other dogs. Mom got food for me (yay!) and she bought a toy for the cat (which I thought […]

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