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Rumbley the Tumbley Boxer

Full House

We are having a great weekend at our house.

Mom’s finally home from the longest business trip ever.

Grandma flew in from Minnesota for my girl’s 18th birthday.

On Friday night, the Volleyball team had a party and sleepover …which meant 10 girls for me to kiss and endless ear scratches!

On Saturday, my girl’s boyfriend surprised her with a visit home from college. So he slept here last night (him in the attic, my girl in the basement–Dad kept guard all night).

With all of this going on, I woke up early today to make my rounds… from the basement to the 1st floor, to the 2nd floor &  to the attic, giving all of the sleepers a good sniff and the occasional wake up kiss.

As soon as they’re all awake, I’m going to need a big nap!

5 Comments so far

  1.   samsamsmom on October 16th, 2011          Reply

    Awww, sounds like such a great weekend. Rumbles will need a long nap for sure! He must be getting so spoiled with all the lovin’ though! Enjoy and a big hug from us! Xo

  2.   doggiemomma9 on October 16th, 2011          Reply

    Sounds like you are having a fun fun fun weekend!!! So glad your Mom is home, too! I hate in when my people are away.

    I hope you are getting in the sneak attack on all your houseguests. Those are the best, when they least expect it! Pow! Right in the kissah with a big slobbery wet one! Some of the best things in life, right there!

  3.   AbbysMom on October 16th, 2011          Reply

    We would like to collect some Rumbly kisses!

    Enjoy your weekend and your company Rumbles!

    Hooray for Mama finally being home from her way-too-long biz trip.
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  4.   etgayle on October 16th, 2011          Reply

    mom’s home and all is good!!! what a full house, you will definitely be exhausted keeping all those humans in line!! rumbles, you’ve earned an extended medicinal nap!

    charon & gayle

  5.   chilidawg on October 16th, 2011          Reply

    Sounds like you have a full time job keeping everything in order, Rumbles! I hope they give you extra treats!

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