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Rumbley the Tumbley Boxer

there’s always something to do

That’s what Mom says anyway.

The other day she took me along to run errands with her. We went to Petsmart, which was really exciting. I snuffled all of the corners and met a bunch of other dogs. Mom got food for me (yay!) and she bought a toy for the cat (which I thought was completely unnecessary).

We went to the hot tub store. I do not like water and that place is full of big tubs of the nasty wet stuff. I visited a couple of the guys who were working, then I scooted out of there before that water could get me.

Then another wet place…the carwash. Luckily I was safe inside the car. But I kept an eye on the windows…just in case.









Then we got out of the car so the men could clean the inside, and Mom took me for a little walk down to the river. More water! What is wrong with her? I kept my distance, Mom got the message, and soon we were back in the car.








After we got home, I tried to destroy the new cat toy, but Mom caught me. Then I took a big snoozy. Mom’s right, running errands is exhausting!


6 Comments so far

  1.   chilidawg on July 27th, 2011          Reply

    Sounds like a good day, and a well-earned nap!

  2.   finchy on July 27th, 2011          Reply

    I hear you about the water, Rumbles! Chili Dawg loves to swim, but I tried it once, and the kiddie pool is more my speed, because I sink like a stone. I don’t get why other dogs find it so much fun to be in!

    •   rumblesmom on July 28th, 2011          Reply

      I only tried swimming once, too. Hated it! I avoid all things wet…rain, puddles, baths, the garden hose….

  3.   admin on July 27th, 2011          Reply

    My, what a busy dog you’ve been!

  4.   etgayle on July 27th, 2011          Reply

    busy, busy, busy…we recommend medicinal napping.

    charon & gayle

  5.   Izzy, Ted's sister on July 27th, 2011          Reply

    OH come on, water is great. I love how it cools me off when I go swimming.


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